In this paper we also
tried to introduce the notion of DSLs with multilingual support
in the context of C2 systems. Due to national information
systems integration and interoperability challenges we find it
interesting to study and design DSLs with different concrete
syntaxes, but with mutually related semantic processing; from
this point of view, C-BML [10] can be viewed as one language
representation suitable for a particular purpose (system
integration) and JC3IEDM [6] as a basis for structure of the
semantic information being processed. The principles of
language design and processing presented in this paper could
lead to the design of the whole family of “BMLs”, each
tailored for particular audience or purpose, together with their
language processors. Considering the principles C-BML has
been designed on (e.g. 5 Ws concepts [8]) this goal seems to be
achievable. The goal can be accomplished by utilizing an
abstract syntax of the language and defining the great majority
of semantic processing on it: this approach can lead to faster
development of DSL subsystems within information systems.
We have tried to give a simple example of designing a DSL
with an abstract syntax and two concrete syntaxes based on the
domain model of the language. The grammar described in the
example was designed for demonstration purposes only and
should not be considered as a result of deeper research in this