Alert email for mail pending request to informed pending task to every party in phase request (Center and Asset) and monitoring Team. There are many mail groups for notification by weekly basis.likelihood calculation.
Update Work Flow for Exceptional in case that user requesting in have N+1 is Field Manager or Asset VP, start approval process from MOD Focal Point. If there is any revise then send back to MOD Focal Point for editing the request.
The request as a Work Request needs to add Role of Asset Work Request Focal Point instead of MOD Focal Point for approval. And in case user requesting in have N+1 is Field Manager or Asset VP then send to Asset Work Request Focal Point to start approval process and remove flow of approval process from Field Supervisor and Asset MOD Focal Point then send direct to Field Manager. If there is any revise then send back to Asset work Focal Point for editing the request then request Field Manager for approval which skip review process from Field Supervisor and also skip final approval process from Asset Work Request Focal Point.
"New Work Flow (Refer to Attachment #1, In Red Work Flow. Module)
- EET Focal Point review and comment
- Pre-Screening (EET focal point functional)
- Scope Clarifications
- Select Discipline & Assign work
- Assign discipline and assistance name by lead.
- Plan of Plan process
- Request meeting to Agree with asset
- Cancel /Shift schedule
- Cancel work flow
- Shift Schedule: Only asset focal point or VP
- Confirm and assign manpower
- Asset Planner approval
Incremental Progress Report.
Verify system every hour to see if there is any Delegation or not if yes then update information on MPMS system only VP Position in Initial Phase.
In case of Assign Role to new user, need to add all task of project which has On Going status to new user as well.