Six other teachers explicitly mentioned inquiry-based methods
for curriculum development as contributing to their development:
“I had never experienced those inquiry-based methods before. [
… ] we had chosen to focus on debating skills for illcommunicating
students, but how could we examine and
develop this? It took a lot of thinking, but it [inquiry-based
working] also brought me a lot and I got better at it. [ … ] I
discovered through inquiry that I was on the right track and I
consider what it means to the school and especially for students
in grade 6 and 7. I think it's great if students have the opportunity
to say what they want in a safe environment. When I was
young this opportunity was not provided. Regarding my students,
I think this safe environment is something we can and
want to provide. Every opinion counts. It does not matter if you
have an opinion that is different from your class mates' or
teacher's opinion. [ … ] and due to this inquiry-based working I
became aware of the fact that I consider this important and that
this changed my teaching” (primary education teacher).