Ability to track financial information of more than one company as required by your company’s unique circumstances.
Flexible general ledger chart of accounts structure with sufficiently long number structure to accommodate divisions, departments, cost centers, staff, etc.
Ability to track financial information of more than one company as required by your company’s unique circumstances.
Ability to enter a GL account budget and allocate a portion of each actual transaction to a budgeted amount in more than one GL account.
Ability to allocate overhead costs across product lines according to a formula.
Real time or batch posting to the general ledger of accounts payable and cash disbursements transactions according to user preference.
Journal entry flexibility to support recurring, reversing, and other entries with sufficient description capability.
Month end closing, ability to post to a future month, and number of open months satisfactory for your Company’s unique circumstances.
Efficient audit trails from the general ledger to subledgers for original transactions and associated documents, along with strong query tools to identify original transactions by various search criteria
A web interface for entering transactions by branch offices and field personnel may be needed for consultants or other far flung operations. A cloud solution would be a candidate for this mode of operation.