Specifies the first of two edges required to define a 2D chamfer, or the edge of a 3D solid to chamfer.
If you select lines or polylines, their lengths adjust to accommodate the chamfer line. You can hold down Shift while selecting the objects to override the current chamfer distances with a value of 0.
If the selected objects are line segments of a 2D polyline, they must be adjacent or separated by no more than one segment. If they're separated by another polyline segment, CHAMFER deletes the segment that separates them and replaces it with the chamfer.
If you select an edge on a 3D solid, you must indicate which one of the two surfaces adjacent to the edge is the base surface.
Enter Surface Selection Option
Entering o or pressing Enter sets the selected surface as the base surface. Entering n selects either of the two surfaces adjacent to the selected edge.
After you select the base surface and the chamfer distances, select the edges of the base surface to chamfer. You can select edges individually or all the edges at once.