Abstract—Nowadays, there are many new web sites occur daily
on the Internet and the demand for web page creation and design
increases. The problem is it takes time to create and design the
web pages. Moreover, designing web page templates to satisfy
user preference is difficult. In order to reduce time and allow
users to interact with the design process, we propose the web
application which applies interactive genetic algorithm to
generate web page templates and allow users to get involved with
the system. The proposed algorithm evolves HTML files for the
content and CSS style sheets for a presentation format. Users can
rate each section of a web page template according to their
preferences. The given scores feed back to the system and the
generated template is evolved. The experiments are conducted by
assuming user’s preferential criteria. We designed score-rules to
test the algorithm whether it can create web page templates to
satisfy the criteria or not. The experimental results show that the
proposed algorithm can generate web page templates that meet
the criteria.