TPhase consists of the following parameters:
N8 – Number of pulses drying: This parameter indicates the selected number of pulses
in drying. System counts one pulse when the drying time has been passed at minimum
pressure (P8a). Drying phase and cycle, when appropriate, end when selected pulses
have been done.
Selected value must be between 1 and 99.
t8 – Drying time: Parameter that indicates the selected time for keeping each pressure
value (P8a & P8b). Time for keeping each pressure starts counting once pressure has
reached the corresponding pressure value.
Selected value must be between 0.0 and 999.9 minutes.
P8a – Minimum pressure drying: This parameter indicates the vacuum pressure value
where drying time (t8) is started being counted from.
Selected value must be between 7.0 and 20.0 kPa.
P8b – Maximum pressure drying: This parameter indicates the pulse pressure value
where drying time (t8) is started being counted from.
Selected value must be between 50.0 kPa and atmospheric pressure minus 5.0 kPa.