It was found that PVA Gel is an efficient technology for treating dairy wastewater as compared to other treatments in
several aspects. Drastic reduction in B.O.D (Biological Oxygen Demand) level occurred and was found to be 75 mg/lit
with removal of 90-95 percent. C.O.D (Chemical Oxygen Demand) level reduction was also observed to 78 mg/lit with
removal of 95 percent in 12hrs retention time. Reduction in the retention time of wastewater can be achieved by using
PVA Gel Treatment as compared to any Dairy Industry providing normal treatment. PVA Gel Treatment requires excess
diffuse aeration to create turbulence so that gel does not settle at the bottom and move freely in the tank. Sludge volume
production is low while giving PVA Gel Treatment. The actual time required for biomass growth on & in PVA Gel can be
reduced by Pre-treatment. Pre-treatment led four months time span of culture growth on gel complete in one month.