Part 2: Look at the magazine article and do the exercises
A. Match the words with the definitions and write a-f next to the number 1-6.
จับคู่คำศัพท์ กับความหมาย
1. …………. Advertisement a. A woman who stars in films.
2. …………. Oscar b. A famous person.
3. …………. celebrity c. To suggest someone for an award.
4. …………. nominate d. An award for the best actor or actress in Hollywood.
5. …………. Model e. A beautiful woman who helps to sell a product.
6. …………. Actress f. A poster or notice to help sell a product.
B. Write a number (1-7) to put these sentences about Jennifer Lawrence’s life in the correct order. เรียงลำดับเรื่องใหม่
1. …………………… She moved to Los Angeles.
2. …………………… She moved to New York.
3. …………………… She appeared on TV for the first time.
4. …………………… At school she played basketball for a boys’ team.
5. …………………… She was nominated for an Oscar.
6. …………………… Jennifer was born in Kentucky.
7. …………………… She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games
C. Write “T” if the sentence is true or “F” If it is false for these sentences.
กล่าวถูกต้องเขียน T กล่าวผิดเขียน F
1. …………..................... Jennifer is American.
2. …………..................... Jennifer was born in July.
3. …………..................... She has two brothers.
4. …………..................... Jennifer took acting classes at school.
5. …………..................... Jennifer has done some modelling.
6. …………..................... Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010.
7. …………..................... She likes playing the piano.
8. …………..................... Jennifer's family supported her dreams to be an actress.
D. Answer the questions. ตอบคำถามอย่างสั้น
1. What sports did Jennifer play at school? …………………………………….
2. What films has Jennifer Lawrence starred in? …………………………………….
3. What cities has she lived in? …………………………………….
4. What jobs has she done? …………………………………….
5. What does Jennifer do in her free time? …………………………………….
6. What are her two brothers called? …………………………………….
Part 3 : Look at the website and do the exercises to practice and
improve your reading skills.
A. Match the words with the definitions and write a–f next to the number 1–6.
จับคู่คำศัพท์ กับความหมาย
1. ………. intensive a. In another country
2. ………. residential course b. A teacher who has completed many courses
and exams.
3. ………. activity monitor c. Someone who watches and supervises
younger students.
4. ………. excursion d. To involve a lot of work in a short time.
5. ………. qualified teacher e. A short trip to another town or place.
6. ………. abroad f. A course where you live at the school or
university where you study.
B. Write “T” if the sentence is true or “F” If it is false for these sentences.
กล่าวถูกต้องเขียน T กล่าวผิดเขียน F
1. …………..................... ACE schools teach languages.
2. …………..................... ACE schools only have schools in the UK.
3. …………..................... ACE schools teach mostly adults.
4. …………..................... There are more than 12 students in each class.
5. …………..................... Courses last between one week and two months.
6. …………..................... Students have to stay in hotels when studying at
ACE schools.
7. …………..................... There is always a teacher or activity monitor to
support the students.
8. …………..................... There are many activities to do after the language classes.
C. Complete the gaps with the correct number from the box. นำตัวเลขไปเติมในเนื้อเรื่อง
8 1 2 18 20 12
ACE schools teach young people from ___(1)_____ to ___(2)_______ years old. There are
no more than ____(3)_______ students in each class. Short courses last only _____(4)______ week but the longer courses are for _____(5)____ months. Students must study for _____(6)____ hours each week.