Given the availability of multi-criteria ratings (in addition to the traditional single
overall rating) for each item, Tables 24.4 and 24.5 illustrate the potential benefits of
this information for recommender systems. While Alice and John have similar preferences on movies in a single-rating setting (Table 24.4), in a multi-criteria rating
setting we could see that they show substantially different preferences on several
movie aspects, even though they had the same overall ratings (Table 24.5). Upon
further inspection of all the multi-criteria rating information, one can see that Alice
and Mason show very similar rating patterns (much more similar than Alice and
John). Thus, using the same collaborative filtering approach as before, but taking
into account multi-criteria ratings, Alice’s overall rating for movie Fargo would be
predicted as 5, based on Mason’s overall rating for this movie.
This example implies that a single overall rating may hide the underlying heterogeneity of users’ preferences for different aspects of a given item, and multi-criteria
ratings may help to better understand each user’s preferences, as a result enabling to
provide users more accurate recommendations. It also illustrates how multi-criteria
ratings can potentially produce more powerful and focused recommendations, e.g.,
by recommending movies that will score best on the story criterion, if this is the
most important one for some user.
Given the availability of multi-criteria ratings (in addition to the traditional singleoverall rating) for each item, Tables 24.4 and 24.5 illustrate the potential benefits ofthis information for recommender systems. While Alice and John have similar preferences on movies in a single-rating setting (Table 24.4), in a multi-criteria ratingsetting we could see that they show substantially different preferences on severalmovie aspects, even though they had the same overall ratings (Table 24.5). Uponfurther inspection of all the multi-criteria rating information, one can see that Aliceand Mason show very similar rating patterns (much more similar than Alice andJohn). Thus, using the same collaborative filtering approach as before, but takinginto account multi-criteria ratings, Alice’s overall rating for movie Fargo would bepredicted as 5, based on Mason’s overall rating for this movie.This example implies that a single overall rating may hide the underlying heterogeneity of users’ preferences for different aspects of a given item, and multi-criteriaratings may help to better understand each user’s preferences, as a result enabling toprovide users more accurate recommendations. It also illustrates how multi-criteriaratings can potentially produce more powerful and focused recommendations, e.g.,by recommending movies that will score best on the story criterion, if this is themost important one for some user.
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