Yoga is NOT the magic wonder drug, and I'm not yoga's agent. I'm for everyone discovering ways to connect with themselves, and find the space to create their own best lives. I see plenty of people who walk into Strala and grit their teeth through the entire class, as if it's one more task to get through. It's so unnecessary. You can do hard things easily. It's actually possible and everyone can do it. Life doesn't have to be tense. Yoga doesn't have to be tense. When you move with ease, whether you're attempting a handstand, running 10 miles, negotiating a business deal, or talking with a friend, your brain has space to flow in creativity and intuition. Sounds like meditation? When you exist in ease, every moment in your life becomes meditative and space has a chance to enter. You have room to breathe, room to release tension, room to create yourself healthy and happy. When you're in this space you begin to expand and see beyond each moment. You become yourself. You're able to make good decisions, be in the zone, and allow room for synchronicity. Your life heads in the right direction when you give it space. When you squash it with tension, well, it gets squashed