In Thailand, a health-promoting school (HPS) program is
in place nationwide. However, this policy has not covered
Burmese migrant schools. Therefore, to ensure the feasibility
of the implementation of a HPS program, we conducted
evaluations and an intervention on school health in
migrant schools in Thailand. We included 44 primary-level
schools in the Tak province in 2008. We were able to evaluate
the results of the intervention in 43 of 44 schools in the
subsequent year. For measurement, we used a comprehensive
school-health checklist with five components: ‘personal
health and life skills’, ‘healthy school environment’,
‘health and nutrition services’, ‘common disease control
and prevention’, ‘school and community partnership’. The
checklist contained 59 items; item scores ranged from 0 to
SUMMARYIn Thailand, a health-promoting school (HPS) program isin place nationwide. However, this policy has not coveredBurmese migrant schools. Therefore, to ensure the feasibilityof the implementation of a HPS program, we conductedevaluations and an intervention on school health inmigrant schools in Thailand. We included 44 primary-levelschools in the Tak province in 2008. We were able to evaluatethe results of the intervention in 43 of 44 schools in thesubsequent year. For measurement, we used a comprehensiveschool-health checklist with five components: ‘personalhealth and life skills’, ‘healthy school environment’,‘health and nutrition services’, ‘common disease controland prevention’, ‘school and community partnership’. Thechecklist contained 59 items; item scores ranged from 0 to
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