3. Results
3.1. Production
Due to the late planting in 2011, peanut plants were not
harvested. Therefore, LERs were adjusted to account for unharvested
area. Adjusted plot LERs were greater than 1 with the
exception of the strip intercropping system of peanut andwatermelon (Spw), indicating that most intercropping combinations
resulted in overyielding (Fig. 2). LERwas highest in the within
row intercropping of peanut and watermelon (Wpw) at 1.23
followed by Wpwo and Wpwoc at 1.17 each. In 2012, LERs were
highest in the Wpwo and Wpwoc intercropping combinations at
1.17 and 1.20, respectively. LER was also above 1 when peanut and
watermelon were strip intercropped.