Thank you for your quick reply.
At this time, we couldn’t clarify the supply possibility of J18F from BMT.
That’s because whether BMT can supply 2-3lot per month to BTMT or not
depends on the demand of L27T for BSST from BMT.
(At BMT, same equipment is used to produce J18F for BTMT and L27T for BSST.
Its total limit is 5 MT per month and there aren’t alternative source to produce L27T for BSST.
So L27T is a first priority.)
Their demand of 2016 RB is as below.
For Plant Type Demand (MT)
Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct.
BSST L27T 4 4 4 4
actual forecast forecast forecast
BTMT J18F 1 1 1 1
actual forecast forecast forecast
Total. 5 5 5 5
Therefore, we would re-contact you after the demand of L27T for BSST have been clear.