Improvisation encompasses more than spontaneous creativity in the arts. It can also refer to a disposition or cognitive skill that is fundamental to creative work and to learning– an ability to be flexible in one’s goals, and to be open to the potential in unexpected events to change the course of one’s work. For choreographers, such “flexible purposing” characterizes both their individual decision making and their interactions with dancers. Working together, choreographers and dancers accomplish the tasks of both composing
a dance and learning a dance; the aesthetic intention for a dance evolves along with an understanding of how to best realize that intention in performance. A similar process happens in classrooms where co-construction of knowledge and/or the curriculum is the aim. For classroom teachers, learning objectives may take the place of an aesthetic intention. Held in mind flexibly, multiple pathways to achieving those objectives (or newly defined ones) may arise in the course of interacting with students and attending to how their contributions change the evolving problem space. In essence, this is creating the curriculum as one goes, and using improvisation as a form of pedagogy.