what the heck is going on guys want to another amazing computer networking
and in this video I want to start talking to guys about topologies
or somebody scholar the layout of your computer network
now of course by to polish your layout basically mean
how you gonna set up your network how you can connect art computers how you
can you know
way Mount connect the wires to him because when every first design a
computer network
there are many different ways that you can lay a towel around your house or
you just don't wanna throw your computers in any room sir connecting
everything with the lawyers who wrote
it's probably not going to work now I'm gonna be going over some
very commonly out sort apologies some most common ones are
what I'm gonna be going over in this video is called boss
in you also have ring a star
mash and their different commonly outs in
each one has its benefits and they also have their drawbacks
mostly depending on how much traffic you have and a couple things they want to
take into account
whenever you first design computer networks especially if you're in the
business of designing a computer network
is one major thing is cost how much are these devices can cost you know
arm how much is the setup fees
so on and so forth in another thing is the ease maintenance
now as you can see whenever surge on these diagrams
summer very simple like the bus 1 I'm bout to draw
and some a rather complicated an the more complicated they are
there a lot more difficult to maintain self again
those are just some very starting ideas if we never laid out computer network
take into account the cost in the east maintenance
so now I'm go ahead and show you as a diagram of shut up now
enough talk about a very simple boss topology
now bus topology counts like that has one
main cable so this is you know what to say internet cable or something like
and it's kinda like along chain in all of your devices are can be connected
along the way so you might have I don't know what see have de stop or
but you say you have a PC rehear and will put another PC over here
and let's
Olympic a new color arm you know me we have a Mac
mac book or no iMac whatever and the laptop
over here so basically
all these things are going to be connected to the main
backbone or the main chain now of course is this is computer networking we might
as well throw in
you know server will say that this is an office
or you know like a work law I don't know or home or something like that im also
pop printer in here
one RI so all these devices
all these computers are sharing the same printer in the same server
and as you can see there all connected the same
major backbone now another thing I want to point out is whenever you have a boss
topology you need something special in those
are called terminators so I'll just treaty for terminators
T T and these are actual devices that you can buy
in you need to put them on ends love your cable now the reason that you need
these term is really here is because
well I'll talk to you guys about how these devices work
so of course if you guys know when every send out a signal
save PC rehear wants to i dont no requests are something from the server
it sends it out along this cable rate here but sense
you know there are any in a smart devices which can we talk about later on
the signal is gonna go to every single node
or every single one up these devices now of course if this computer's network is
setup successfully
do two protocols and so on and so forth
the server is can be the only device that response
so that's what allows this PC and the server
to communicate effectively with each other because even though it's ending up
the signal
everywhere only this server is can be aware that
okay I'm actually the device that it wants to talk to
now I can go ahead and transfer files back and forth so on and so forth
now that brings out my next point that is why you need these terminators rehear
a terminator is basically a device that whenever you have the signals going to
the ends of the cable
you can actually have something and I won't go into detail but
the electric signal can actually bounce after ends up the cable
in mirror back so go ahead and pick color like yellow
if this server gray here sending out a signal
4:55if it didn't have this term memory here the signal could actually go to the end
of the wire
bounce-back in be reset along the cable again
which is of course not getting it would make it look like there are many
different messages
being sent and once so that's basically why you need termeer
to absorb the signals at the end so they don't get near
back now I'm go ahead and talk about the good par on this network
this is a very easy to set up it's good for small home networks are offices
and another thing is isn't very expensive it's very cheap there isn't a
whole lot a cable that you need
on one of the drawbacks from a boss
topology is that they can break very easy for example
if this Terminator rehear if that breaks
then pretty much you're going to have a la mirroring
in your logic signals are can confuse all of your devices
and another thing is if you have one split in the cable
let's say ray here then of course this entire side
is not going to be able to talk to this entire side and also you not gon have a
terminator here
and you have a whole bunch of problems with this layout
so even though it's really cheap an I wanna see it's decent for like a small
or small office overall I would not recommend it because
this is really all to polish G and
if this is your first networking go ahead and set up like this but overall
I wouldn't recommend it because its old outdated in you have better choices
but just to go over you know a very simple to apology this is probably the
easiest one
so anyways I'll shut up now think yes for watchin in in the next Orioles
I'm shown you guys you know a ring a star
Umesh layout and you guys can see the benefits of this
and trust me much better definitely more exciting something guess watchin
by the way picture follow me on Facebook and I see as later