Traditionally, instructors physically lectured in front of students. Now instructors can deliver their lectures virtually. The instructor is still in charge of the class, but lle or she is not physically standing in front of students. Students can still do practically anything they could do in a traditional classroom. They can share a Whiteboarrd, communicate as individuals and groups, view video material, and so forth. Students do not have to
wait for :1 professors office hours to communicate with the teacher, since al1 e»1nail may be sent anytime. The largest software provider of virtual instructor-led delivery systems is blackboard. The Blackboard Learning System is a software application for delivering education online and has powetfill capabilities For inzuiaging courses and tailoring instruction to enhance student outcomes. It enables instructors to use the full power of the Lntern et, with access to any learning resource at any time from any place.