While the company's rapid growth and steady success have its root in consumer's popularity of its high quality products, we always believe in giving back to our community. Therefore, we continuously set up or engaged in many activities such as building football fields in many remote area to develop healthy lifestyles for children. We also continuously donate cash to hospital and non-profit organizations to help people in needs.
As we all know that global warming problem becomes more serious nowadays. Useful Food also concern about this problem. Therefore, we continuously organized many activities to promote better environment such as energy saving program and forest planting.
Policy of Environment.
Useful Food Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of quality snacks and breakfast cereal which safe for human consumption. We are aware on the significant of environment; therefore we have established an environment management system by continuously doing follows to commit our policies which are :
1. To comply the law and strictly perform the environmental standard.
2. To emphasis in preventing the pollution by properly manage the origin of pollution.
3. To continue the improvement of the environment system and trying to achieve the objective.
4. To use the proper technology in production which include the using of natural resource and energy with more efficient to get the high quality product and maximum output.
5. To cultivate, communicate and build the subconscious in all level of staff's mind to work together to achieve this policy and also communicates this policy to the public, business partner and all concerns.