Video 1. DPM > dTrpA1 activation induces sleep, but
not locomotor impairment. Groups of ten individual
female flies with DPM(NP2721)> dTrpA1 (center),
UAS-dTrpA1 (left) or DPM (NP2721)-GAL4 (right) were
kept at 31°C for 2 hr before video recording. Flies
with DPM driven dTrpA1 expression show normal
locomotion when gently tapped (0:00:01), but quickly
assume a stationary resting position after ∼30 s
undisturbed (0:00:35), whereas control flies remain
awake and continue to explore the environment. All
flies were anesthetized with CO2, counted, and sorted
into groups of ten 1 day prior to video recording and
kept on food at 22°C prior to heating. Flies were heated
at 31°C on food for 2 hr and flipped to empty vials just
prior to recording.
Video 1. DPM > dTrpA1 activation induces sleep, butnot locomotor impairment. Groups of ten individualfemale flies with DPM(NP2721)> dTrpA1 (center),UAS-dTrpA1 (left) or DPM (NP2721)-GAL4 (right) werekept at 31°C for 2 hr before video recording. Flieswith DPM driven dTrpA1 expression show normallocomotion when gently tapped (0:00:01), but quicklyassume a stationary resting position after ∼30 sundisturbed (0:00:35), whereas control flies remainawake and continue to explore the environment. Allflies were anesthetized with CO2, counted, and sortedinto groups of ten 1 day prior to video recording andkept on food at 22°C prior to heating. Flies were heatedat 31°C on food for 2 hr and flipped to empty vials justprior to recording.
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