The National Commission on Agriculture of India has estimated the
consumption of fuelwood in the country to be 300 million m 3 in the year
1980, with a deficit of about 100 million m 3 [NCA 1976]. To meet this
demand of 100 million m 3 of fuel wood, it is estimated that about 3 million
ha per year is needed to be planted with fuelwood species over the next 10
years. The estimated yield of firewood from the forest (51 million t) and from
private lands (26 million t) add up to 77 million t. This leaves a deficit of
33 million t in 1980, 44milliont in 1985 and 59 million t in the year 2000.
Unless the problem is addressed adequately, alleviation of rural poverty will
be nearly impossible. In this context, the prediction 'there may not be famine
for food but for firewood to cook' seems to be true.