Good morning,
It’s finally book week at St. Andrews! We have a busy week planned with lots of literacy! Feel free to encourage reading at home a little more than usual this week! I’ve been planning a reading competition, but with the busy past few weeks, it has fallen through the cracks. I have done it every year for the past 5 years, and have no plan to stop! I’ll start it up after the holidays. It’s never too late to have a reading competition!
Guest Author- Gail Clark is visiting us from Phuket this week. She has written a series of really lovely nature-related books. Our class has already read three of them in Library. If you’d like to order a copy, please return the order form (sent home a week ago) to Khun Fern in reception. We’ll be visiting her tomorrow (Tues) and kids can also bring money at that time to purchase a book directly.
Book Fair- We have several book fairs in all week! Feel free to pop in and buy some great books! You can send some money along with your child if they’d like to purchase a book at lunchtime.
Photo competition- take a photo of your child reading a book, while performing or acting out part of the title (for example, one student submitted a photo of her reading “My Messy Room” sitting in the middle of her very messy room! Heehee!) Please email the photos to me, and I will forward them on to Mrs. Taylor, who will compile them together and decide the winner with a panel of judges. Thursday is the deadline for submissions.
Bookmark competition- Last week every student received two bookmark templates. If they choose to participate, they should create a lovely bookmark and submit it to Mrs. Laura in the library, by Thursday please!
Costume parade- Our annual storybook costume parade takes place on Friday morning! Let’s get creative! (Not too creative… please no “Christian Grey” characters carrying handcuffs! Oh my! True story in the UK!)
Learning Journey- We are pleased to confirm the date of our Learning Journey! Please join Year 3 on Thursday, April 2nd from 1:30-2:30pm as our students showcase the hard work they’ve put into this research project! A letter will be sent home tomorrow with your child with more information.
Term 3 Activities- Last Wednesday, activity sign up became available on Firefly. Please ensure you have logged in and selected the activity choices for your kids. Please email Mr. Greener if you have any problems!
Meghan Gwalchmai
Year 3 Teac