The Earth has supported life for millions of years. Life exists on Earth because there enough air and water at the right temperature Each living thing, or animal depends on other living things. Any change to one part of the environment can cause a change in all the other All human activity change the environment in some way. As the Earth's human population increases, damage's being done to the environment. Forests are cut down to make way for farms or houses, and the animals that live in those forests lose homes. Rivers are polluted by fertilisers used on farms and by waste from factories and homes. Cars and factories pollute the air. All this is ch ng our environment so much that many animals and plants may disappear in the future. It is important that we try to reduce the damage we are causing. We can do this by conserving our forests, our water and other parts of our environment. We need to look after our environment carefully so that people in the future will be able to live in it and enjoy it.