With the abolition of slavery, a God, and he advised that country United States born from the civil war to abolish slavery. So he used reasonable discretion how gradually, such steps, determine the price reduction values for the existing slave down in small increments, until a slave redemption. Seal of the Act, the retirement of the slave child coordinates child Tai RS 93 when August 21 2417 (1874) Define child-slave born year of the Dragon, which is the first year 2411 abdicated his throne, retirement. Reduce down every month until the age of 8. Then, start retirement go down every year until the age of 21 years, is considered a Tai. When a prohibited slavery, and again by the indicated penalty to the buyer and the seller is capped. The people, who were born since the year of the Dragon, b.e. 2411 onwards banned slave trading. If you live in a household, or, as the only employee.
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