Animal farm is a fiction. The story happens in Manner farm and the owner is Mr. Jones. There are pigs, horses, sheep and dogs. Animals work hard but don’t get what they deserve. Old major teaches everybody to not listen to the 2legs they try to cheat, eat and do bad business. All the animals need freedom. The pigs are so brilliant and intelligent. They give animalism to the animals. Mr. Jones leaves the farm and its name is changed from Manner Farm to Animal Farm. The pigs give the 7 commands to control the animals and these commands are all about being good, everybody is friend and don’t drink alcoholic beverages. It makes the animals cannot read and don’t understand it really well. The short form of the seven commands is 2legs bad 4legs good and it’s been speaking by the sheep. It can be heard anywhere in Animal Farm. The farm is changed. The leader launches new rules. The animals have to work faster and better than Mr.Jones’ period. Napoleon has the duty to control producing and feeding the 9 puppies. All animals work hard and Boxer is one of the horses which keeps working and working. He doesn’t care anything but just want to motivate others and develop the quality of his life. The pigs are great and deserve to be leaders. They control births of animals. Corruption exists. Some food is sent to the leaders but Squearler is smart enough to solve this by only his words. The animals believe in him. The animals think that if they help Napoleon, they have food but Snowball is different. They have to work harder. Squaler explains that leading is hard and not funny. Nobody is as good as Napoleon. He leads us and if we have mistakes, our enemies may win us, so we must believe in Napoloen. The windmill project keeps running under the eyes of the pigs. Somebody realizes that there are many dirty businesses in our farm. Somebody is slain because of dreaming about Snowball. By the time has passed, coldness comes, seasons change and the animals forgets Mr.Jones. Boxer gets ill and Napoleon comes and tells anybody but he sells Boxer. He gets money and buy alchohol for all leaders. Squealer explains the statistic list of producing but never tells where it goes. Finally, The pigs stand with 2 legs and the sheep yell 4legs good 2 legs better, istead of, 2 legs bad 4 legs good. Animal Far, proves that everyone is equal.