Protecting your car and yourself is just as important as keeping your computer protected. Just like with car insurance or health insurance, without proper protection for your computer, you could instantly become infected by viruses, malware, adware, spyware, and other malicious software. Nowadays you don't have to visit certain sites or open e-mail attachments to become infected. An unsuspecting user browsing even the most reputable websites can become infected with the new tactics hackers are using. Many of the new infections will bring your computer to a crawl or can even cause corruption and deletion of your important data. Other times you will see many error messages and pop-ups prompting you to pay the hackers money that will supposedly rid your computer of their infections. Often, if not treated early, these infections will multiply causing corruption of the operating system. In this case the drive would need to be wiped clean with all software, drivers, and updates reloaded. Computer cleanings and operating system re-installation routines usually cost around $200 or more and take at least 2-3 days but sometimes weeks!
Using free or cheap anti-virus software does not completely protect you! Hackers are very lucrative and work day in and day out figuring out new ways to infect computers. The good guys have to continuously catch these new methods and release updates to their customers to block the new methods of infection. It's a never ending cat and mouse game. A free or cheap anti-virus company does not have the resources to employ a full time team that searches out new methods of infection to add to their database. In this sense, you get what you pay for and are still taking a risk.
Protecting your car and yourself is just as important as keeping your computer protected. Just like with car insurance or health insurance, without proper protection for your computer, you could instantly become infected by viruses, malware, adware, spyware, and other malicious software. Nowadays you don't have to visit certain sites or open e-mail attachments to become infected. An unsuspecting user browsing even the most reputable websites can become infected with the new tactics hackers are using. Many of the new infections will bring your computer to a crawl or can even cause corruption and deletion of your important data. Other times you will see many error messages and pop-ups prompting you to pay the hackers money that will supposedly rid your computer of their infections. Often, if not treated early, these infections will multiply causing corruption of the operating system. In this case the drive would need to be wiped clean with all software, drivers, and updates reloaded. Computer cleanings and operating system re-installation routines usually cost around $200 or more and take at least 2-3 days but sometimes weeks!Using free or cheap anti-virus software does not completely protect you! Hackers are very lucrative and work day in and day out figuring out new ways to infect computers. The good guys have to continuously catch these new methods and release updates to their customers to block the new methods of infection. It's a never ending cat and mouse game. A free or cheap anti-virus company does not have the resources to employ a full time team that searches out new methods of infection to add to their database. In this sense, you get what you pay for and are still taking a risk.
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