This ~ All That is, is the Light emanating as Itself, from the Void. The emanations, consisting of varying frequencies of Light, are Soul, Light Frequencies. At the level of Light Frequency of All That is (Source originating Light) there are no names or words, for IT. The writing here, although it seems to appear as words, is a TRANSMISSION of LIGHT, activating any dormant codes within you, held in your Original Blueprint.
Your Blueprint again has no translation. Some may term this in mortal language as the Akashic Records. Again, words are not the experience of something, they only attempt to translate an experience. Energetically, the Light, Activates, that is beyond an attempt, of the mind figuring out something.
For beings incarnated into the Planet Earth System, the signalling of frequency, is held in the consciousness through the DNA. DNA is a transmitter of frequency and Light. The water surrounding the DNA is the carrier of the information, transmitted to the consciousness of your DNA.