Firstly, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support for Compressed Gas System so far in this Bang Pakong Combined Cycle Project.
Now that we are in the last stage of preparing our final EPC price to be submitted to EGAT shortly for their selection of lowest EPC Bidder, we would like to submit our request letter for final offer as per the details attached, where we request your best price based on the conditions stipulated and enclosed herein.
In this respect, please note that we intend (i) this letter to be the FINAL REQUEST for price reduction, and upon receipt of the price reductions from suppliers including you, then (ii) to complete comprehensive evaluation immediately and nominate one supplier per system as nominated supplier from thereon.
Thank you for your kind and immediate attention on our request above, as we look forward to receiving your final offer by 17:00 pm, January 5, 2016 (Japan Time) so that we can see the breakdowns below:
A) Revised Base Price from the latest offer
B) Final Discount amount
If you should have any comments or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Also, please keep in mind to copy all the listed persons whenever having correspondence.