This study was a quasi-experimental and before after study. The target population of the study was the patients with DM in the healthcare clinics of the township of Minoodasht city, Iran which were selected using convenience sampling method. The sample size considered for statistical formula of this literature review was determined as 78 individuals. The study was carried out after the approved endorsement of the ethical committee at the health department of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and after receiving the official permission from the healthcare center of the Township of Minoodasht. The internal criteria for this study was selected to cover the records of the patients with DM for at least six months and with other types of DIABETES , affliction with other diseases, changing the citizenship and the offer to discontinue the study at any time were the external criteria. Also, the patients were assured that the information of the questionnaire and the results were confidential. In the first step the PRECEDE model construct were analyzed and the educational parameters were determined. In the second step, the educational program was compiled and presented on 6 educational sessions. To present the educational content; certain tools were used which included a data projector and different lecturing methods including Questions and Answers, group discussion and different educational materials such as pamphlets, brochures and CDs were employed. After one month, the efficiency of the content of the educational program was determined by using the same questionnaire.
Data gathering was performed using a reliable and valid questionnaire and the questionnaire was set according to different levels in PRECEDE model. In the 4th and 5th levels (educational diagnosis), the possible factors effective on health behavior were identified. These factors included predisposing factors (knowledge, attitude, belief and values), enabling factors and reinforcing factors. The knowledge questions were set as 8 closed questions for participants to answer. Attitude questions were 14 questions according to Likert scale. The first six questions in Likert scale asked about the patients’ attitude and values. Enabling factor questions included 9 questions which asked about the accessibility of the sources and ACCOMMODATIONS , the educational classes, the family support, and the skills. Reinforcing factor questions included three questions about the patient positive experiences, the family and the staff encouragement efforts.
Each question was allocated one score for knowledge questions if the answer was correct For attitude questions the Likert scale was employed. Response items were “I completely agree, I agree, I have no idea, I disagree, and I completely disagree”. For any answer, a number from 1 to 5 was considered.
Statistical analysis
IBM SPSS Statistics 16 for Mac (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill) was used for all analyses. Continuous variables are presented as mean (SD) and categorical data as number and percentage. Data were analyzed using paired sample T-test and McNemar test