Open the deal website and review the deal
Determine if the deal is local or national.
Local deals can only be used by people in a specific region. National deals are deals that can be used by anyone in the contiguous United States.
If the deal is limited to a specific location or set of locations, the it is "local".
If the deal is only relevant to a specific location or set of locations, for example a local magazine or service, then it is "local".
A service or product that can be ordered online from ANY city is "National", but a product that will only ship to certain cities is "Local". If the only shipping restriction are to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or P.O. Boxes, then the deal is still National.
A service or product that’s available from a national chain with locations across the nation is "National", but one that is available from a chain that is only across a region of states or cities is "Local".
Use your best judgement to decide if a deal is local or national.
Determine whether a person has to visit the business to redeem the deal.
The answer is "Yes" if the deal requires the consumer to physicallt travel to one (or more) specific locations to redeem or use the deal.
The answer is "No" if the deal is a product or service that occurs across multiple locations, if the deal is for a product or service that is delivered to a customer, or if the deal is an event or activity that is for tourists.
Select the best possible category or categories for the deal.
Enter all this information into the task. If the deal details aren't visible, select the checkbox "Deal Details Unavailable".