ABSTRACT. An integral part of several International Atomic Energy Agency
sponsored coordinated research programmes involving the sampling ana analysIs 01
ambient airborne particules was the development of a PMIO sampler. Each participant
was provided with such a sampler so that comparable samples would be
obtained by each of the participating groups. Thus, in order to understand the
characteristics of this sampler, we undertoke several characterization studies in
which we examined the aerodynamic collection characteristics of the impactor inlet
and the reproducibility of the sample mass collection. One of the samplers machined
in Belgium was compared with one built from the same design in the U.S.
and comparable results were obtained. The sampler was operated side-by-side with a
commercial PMIO beta gauge and an IMPROVE-design 2.5. f.Lm cut-point cyclone.
Although the sampler was not wind tunnel tested as requirt;d for certification as a
reference sampler, it does provide a collection efficiency that generally follows the
guidelines for a PMIO sampler. AEROSOLS CIENCEA ND TECHNOLOG2Y7 :726-735
(1997) @ 1997 American Association for Aerosol Research