I had heard of you? that anyone had told me that the "smile a day of sunny day.", and then if we do more than just smile and by the "laughed."? What will happen
that if we laughed at once a day to make a good humor throughout the day. If laughed at more than one time health is good throughout the year laughter from within the health and mind like the medication that is required to pay the money to buy only bring himself to enjoy the things that happen to the best of your life and happy with the current and will know that laughter is the value just how laughter helps calm the time we get angry and sad and depressed laughter will help you release the emotions of these because the body is of a shape Alexander or hormone happy out the research from the Medical Center of the University of California found that people who like thinking of funny level of anger will be reduced to 19 percent and the depression in the body is reduced to 51 percent but if these people see a movie or video comedy the level of anger will be reduced to 98 percent when the mood is not good thinking about the invitation to laugh in and then all will be better own