For measures of FVFIRST, HDRINK, and EXERCISE under one week of baseline conditions, four trained observers from the previous study waited until children had been seated for the first
10 min of their 30 min lunch period, then walked along the lunch tables to record children’s behaviors. The three behaviors were defined as before, except that the very time-sensitive behavior of FVFIRST was now defined as eating 1/8 cup or more of FV sometime in the first 10 min, rather than eating FV as the very first food during the meal. (NOTE: This slight change in the definition of FVFIRST made it less time sensitive and easier for the parent volunteers to use, while still encouraging children to eat FV early in the meal when they were most hungry.) Children had been told that the Penn State Team had no more prizes, but they had returned to see what a normal, everyday lunch was like at their school.