With today’s computer networks becoming increasingly dynamic, heterogeneous, and complex, there is great interest in deploying artificial intelligence (AI) based techniques for optimization and management of computer networks. AI techniques—that subsume multidisciplinary techniques from machine learning, optimization theory, game theory, control theory, and meta-heuristics—have long been applied tooptimizecomputernetworksinmanydiversesettings.Such anapproachisgainingincreasedtractionwiththeemergence of novel networking paradigms that promise to simplify network management (e.g., cloud computing, network functions virtualization, and software-defined networking) and provideintelligentservices(e.g.,future5Gmobilenetworks). Looking ahead, greater integration of AI into networking architectures can help develop a future vision of cognitive networksthatwillshownetwork-wideintelligentbehaviorto solve problems of network heterogeneity, performance, and quality of service (QoS). IEEE ACCESS is the new multidisciplinary, flagship open-access journal of IEEE that is committed to presenting the results of high-quality research across all of the IEEE’s fields of interest. The objective of this Special Section on Artificial Intelligence Enabled Networking in IEEE ACCESS is to document the state of the art in this fast-developing exciting area of networking research. The topic of this Special Section lies at the intersection of a number of complementary specializations such as machine learning/AI,cognitivesciences,bigdata,etc.Thisisreflected in the diversity of techniques and networking configurations thatweobserveinthepapersacceptedinthisSpecialSection. Overallsevenhigh-qualitypapershavebeenacceptedfrom leading groups around the world after a rigorous peer-review process. The accepted papers include comprehensive survey/ tutorial and position papers from leading experts as well as original research on new and emerging topics. The accepted papers focus on a number of distinct network configurations such as Internet of Things (IoT); 4G and 5G networks such as long-term evolution (LTE) and heterogeneous networks (HetNets); cognitive networks; and vehicular ad-hoc networks. These papers propose a wide spectrum of techniques such as reinforcement learning (RL), deep neural networks (DNN), and tensor voting.