Winston Jeffers
Hiring Manager
Dayjob Ltd
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham, B18 6NF
25th April 2012
Dear Mr Jeffers
Your advertisement for a ............. caught my eye, and as I appear to be a perfect match for this position I
am eagerly applying for the vacancy.
As an accomplished ............... with over ....... years experience in the field of .............., I am well positioned
to join your company and make an immediate positive impression. My key areas of expertise include, but
are not limited to the following;
A solid background in............., and ................
Possessing a convincing track record of .........................
Having a well deserved reputation for.............. and ....................
I believe that my skills, experience, and reputation for excellence can greatly enhance your company’s
already impressive performance.
I have a proven track record of responsibility, integrity and commitment to company objectives. I am
comfortable working independently or as part of a team, and I firmly believe that your needs and my skills
are an excellent match. In addition to all of this I possess impeccable personal and work references which I
can present to you when we meet.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to calling you in a few days time to
arrange an interview at a mutually convenient time.
Yours sincerely
Simon Higgins