The proposed model presents some advantages in comparison
with previous knowledge management performance
models that have been published in the construction management
literature. First, the proposed model uses competitive
dynamics to evaluate a construction firm’s knowledge management
performance, whereas previous research in construction
management ignored competitive dynamics and focused
solely on evaluating a construction firm’s knowledge management
performance. Second, the proposed model is based
on fuzzy set theory, a rare approach in this field of research.
Most of the information that has been used previously to
evaluate knowledge management performance (i.e., the importance
weights of each criterion and a firm’s achievement
level on each criterion) is imprecise, vague, and uncertain.
Fuzzy set theory is a flexible tool that can adequately handle
uncertainty, imprecision, and vagueness. Therefore, the proposed
model provides the flexibility and robustness needed
by executives in the construction business to better understand
the interrelationships between knowledge management
practices. Third, the proposed model provides more information
about the ability of a construction firm to achieve its
strategic objectives than previous models that use crisp values.
The knowledge management performance expressed by
triangular fuzzy numbers provides information regarding not
only the most possible value but also the lowest and highest
values in a range defined by = 0.00–1.00.