B. Page126
1. illuminate
2. focus in on
3. convince
4. conveying
5. niche
6. asset
7. conveat
8. proprietor
9. fundamental
10. commit
B. Page 127
1. Preferably
2. Circumference
3. Infer
4. Insufferable
5. Conference
6. Differently
7. Defer
8. Transferable
9. Cross-reference
10. Confer
C. Page127
4.Develop a desire to break away from the crowd. You need to have the courage to make use of your idea. A dream, and an unfathomable desire to achieve that dream, are the two basic aspects needed to succeed in business. Find your niche. This should be something you are knowledgeable about and have an interest in. Learn from your mistakes, and try to avoid repeating them.
Mr. Katawut Thonganan 56038352 sec.02