My name is Mark Castro Lorenzo ,
In as much as I will like to turn back the hands of time, I have grown
to understand the fact that there are possibility, that can only be
possible to exist in the physical realm if the possibility of us
existing in the spirituality of connecting with each other in this
universe is possible; and as things have is between us I have come
to understand that this present time, and the state in which I exist
right now have been possible because one special woman out there has
brought back the possibility of me been happy. And in as much as that
exist, I am grateful to the fact that the hands of time have turned
for me. I want to take this time and opportunity to tell about my
past, my present and my future. The life I have lived and that which I
am living right now has been a testimony, and if I am to sit and write
out my autobiography I believe it will make it up to the best sellers.
But not with standing there are some experiences in life that are
better shared with a very few or special persons in your life.
I was born on the 18th of August, 1968 and for the influx of behavior I
got from my father, I later got to understand that the commune between
my mom and dad was something that would be abhorred by my father's
family ( and till this date, I have not had the chance to meet any of
them ) . My mother gave birth to me when she was barely 17 and before
she was 23, the pressure from my dad's side had made my dad leave my
mom but not been his will to leave, he bought my mom a home in TN and
also started a catering business for her. My mom been a very young
woman re-married and that was totally, a different phase of my life
since I was home tutored, most of my life I never did socialize and
till this day I can still remember the torches and abusive way I was
handled by my step father then I been the little boy didn't have
anyone to complain to unlike these days when you have means were kids
can actually report abuse to the government, such wasn't my case but I
believe that all those happened for the refinement of my spirit, soul
and body the truth is that it actually made me tougher. By the age of
9, my mom had to run away from the States and we did settle with my
uncle from my mom's side in Greece. My late uncle and the man who
actually stood as a fatherly figure in my life was the one who taught
me the oil and gas business, then the economy of Greece was still
stable unlike the present day Greece.
I never lived my life like every normal young man and at the age of
25, I was still a chronic virgin and at the age of 27, I met a lady
Lydia who was the first love of my life we never did get married as
she lost her life to asthma. At the age of 29, I married my second
love and the woman whom I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with
that same year. We had a bountiful life traveling, reveling and
exploring as much vanity life could give; by the time our (daughter) was 1, I
was looking at the endless possibilities of life I wanted us to move
down to Australia or the United States settle on a very large ranch
with a very nice ocean view having a yatch at our beck and call,
flying PJ's and having the best massages after a very long and hectic
trip. But as the saying goes, man resides but fate decides, man
proposes while god disposes. I guess fate had already destined that I
was going to bring up our (daughter) alone alone. After a trip to the Safari, she
suffered dengue fever and within 3 days she had gone the emotional
blow was devastating and till this time I wonder how I went past the
traumatic times and the depression of those days. It was like life
would just sip out of me gently and let the earth open it's bowels to
swallow me, but fate was adamant to see me live through it and as the
saying goes " what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger " .
My (daughter) and I went past that phase of life with the help of my mom and
we decided to move down to Australia to settle but then my mom was
getting old and had began suffering from congestive heart failure. By
2012, I lost her and the following year I lost my uncle, I had to live
with the most painful acceptance in life as I saw the cold hands of
death take away my loved ones.It's funny how things come and go in
life, the come and go of; the facing off of face book, the
innovation of twitter and instagram and I'm sitting down here thinking
of what will be next.