H2: Relational satisfaction will be positively related to cohesion.
Pace (1988) described consensus as members' agreement with group choices on
the goals and issues surrounding their work. Members are usually satisfied with the
decision process for consensus to exist (DeStephens & Hirokawa, 1988), and groups
that reach consensus generally are more cohesive (Pavitt & Curtis, 1998). Members are
more satisfied when they believe they have the time to reach quality decisions (Hare,
1980) and freedom to participate in the decisions (Hecht & Riley, 1985). In one study, Anderson and Martin (1999) reported a strong positive relationship between perceptions
of consensus and members' argumentativeness. As expected, verbal aggression
shared a strong negative relationship with consensus.
Since both task and relationships are important in groups, consensus as a task
dimension should relate to relational satisfaction as a maintenance dimension. The
specific prediction was:
H3: Relational satisfaction will be positively related to consensus.
H2: Relational satisfaction will be positively related to cohesion.ConsensusPace (1988) described consensus as members' agreement with group choices onthe goals and issues surrounding their work. Members are usually satisfied with thedecision process for consensus to exist (DeStephens & Hirokawa, 1988), and groupsthat reach consensus generally are more cohesive (Pavitt & Curtis, 1998). Members aremore satisfied when they believe they have the time to reach quality decisions (Hare,1980) and freedom to participate in the decisions (Hecht & Riley, 1985). In one study, Anderson and Martin (1999) reported a strong positive relationship between perceptionsof consensus and members' argumentativeness. As expected, verbal aggressionshared a strong negative relationship with consensus.Since both task and relationships are important in groups, consensus as a taskdimension should relate to relational satisfaction as a maintenance dimension. Thespecific prediction was:H3: Relational satisfaction will be positively related to consensus.
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