parno then realized that Miss Lena was not paying attention to what he said.
Parno finished getting the car ready for Miss Lena, his wife and children. Suddenly, a group of youg men who worked on the plantation approached him.
Everyone's meeting at Mr Kardi's house this afternoon.
Is Miss Lena going shopping?" asked another they say the plantation is having money troubles, so how can she be shopping?We have to think about every penny.
But you're still all right.
Nobody trusts us.
Parno was taken aback.His mother often said that if they had enough to eat every month,thay had some thing too.When he visited the shopping plazas,he wanted to buy Sumuni pretty clothes but couldn't. Parno was amazed at his own thoughts. To him there did'nt seem to be anything wrong with Miss Lena's family: Maybe it was Uncle Darno who was interfering in the plantation's financial affairs.
The meetting that was lad by one of the young men made Parno want to contradict everything that was said. The man began by saying Miss Lena family was responsible for their poverty. In fact,as his grandfather who never lied had told him, if was true that Miss Lena's grandfather had started with only a couple of hectares of land. Now the family's holdings were huge.
It's your fault if you can't see the way Miss Lena's family has wronged us. they've abused our land rights since the time of the dutch.
Parno was unable to reply.
Sumini(who looked something like Miss Lena)
He also wanted to buy his wife and children clothes as nice as the ones Miss Lena wore.
don't forget, we have another meeting today.
Do they want a raise?