5 In 1765,a man named Boulanger owned one of these soup shops. One day, he broke the law. He cooked some meat and put a sauce on it. This made the sauce makers angry. They went to court. Boulanger won, and the modern restaurant was born. By 1786, a restaurant was a place to cook and serve all types of foods and drinks: soups, meats, salads, desserts, and wines
6 An important time for the restaurant was the French Revolution, around 1792. Before the revolution many rich people had chefs in their homes. The French Revolution ended the monarchy and the aristocracy. After the revolution, many chefs did not have jobs, so they started restaurants. As a result, restaurants became an important kind of business in French. Now, eating well for everyone, not just rich people
7 By the 19 century, there were many restaurants in Paris and in many big cities around the world. Restaurants became more than just places to eat, they become places to meet people and to try new things.
8 Today, the word restaurants can mean many things a diner, a cafeteria, or a place to eat fast food. There are even restaurants that show movies, restaurants where people eat in the dark, and underwater restaurants. Who knows what will happen in restaurants world of the future.