I as field officer declare that I understand the standards for organic agricul¬ture of which the most important aspects are:
No use of disallowed substances like artificial fertiliser or chemicals
Maintenance and improvement of soil-fertility by an appropriate crop rotation, use of animal excrements, green manure and culti¬vation of legumes.
Control pests and diseases by natural ways and control weeds by hand or mechanically.
Use of organic propagation material.
Avoid contamination of fields and products with disallowed sub¬stances.
Label the certified products correctly as organic or under conversion to organic.
2. I will allow CU inspectors access to all premises and information required for inspec¬tion pur¬poses and I will fully co-op¬er¬ate with them.
3. I declare that:
Adequate annual internal checking/evaluation of all farmers of this unit on the com¬pli¬ance with the above mentioned standards are performed. Adequate records of internal inspections are maintained. In instances of non-compliance with the standards appropriate steps are ¬taken.
Overview-map of the area and detailed maps per farmer are maintained.
All farmers of this unit are included in the inspection-programme have under¬stood and signed the farmer agreements and they are informed on the above men¬tioned standards and are assisted to comply with them.
Adequate written bookkeeping of all products purchased from the farmers and sold to the above-mentioned CU client is available.
Basic data of all farmers is maintained containing at least identifica¬tion, name, year of conversion, location, number or hectares, last internal evaluation and last CU inspection and yields records.
4. In case of non-compliance with the above-mentioned standards I will inform the CU client and I will not sell the prod¬ucts as organic or under con¬ver¬sion to organic. Also I will inform in writing the buyers of the products in order to ensure that the indications referring to the organic production method are removed from the product in question.