Saw that the Zhao Clan person comes, Azure Feather Family head of the clan Ye Jun had the human to walk immediately, his vision was profound, is bringing worry of faint trace, does not know that the Zhao Clan person came Azure Feather Family to do, it is estimated that the future was bad, but as the head of the clan, he will be will not show weakness decidedly.
The Azure Feather Family clansmen have also surrounded, waits and sees from afar.
„Head of the clan Zhao Yang, what do you come our Azure Feather Family to make?” Ye Jun wrinkled the brow to ask.
Zhao Yang Ha Ha smiled one saying: „What's wrong, is the Blue Carp Town aristocratic family, our can't Zhao Clan visit the neighbor?”
„If visits, our Azure Feather Family welcome certainly, but today is Kun Yuan festival, the holiday that various celebrate, Zhao Clan does not hold the clan standard?” The Ye Jun sinking sound asked.
„Clan pawn however must be held, we come to here, must while Ye Clan all clansmen, informs Ye Clan, after Kun Yuan festival, the Ye Clan mine by Zhao Clan will take over control of!” The Zhao Yang corners of the mouth pull one to sneer slightly, the look looks at Ye Jun et al. arrogantly.
„Takes over control of our Azure Feather Family mine? Why?” The Ye Jun eyebrow selects, lets somebody cool off or calm down asks.
Nearby Blue Carp Town altogether six mines, produce is the ferro-phosphorus ores. Azure Feather Family altogether on a mine, the clansmen goes to excavate the ore frequently, the ore that will then excavate sells to Dark Moon Family, the price of although selling is extremely low, moreover once for a while will have some clansmen injured lethal, but the income of mine can support the clansmen reluctantly.
This is besides the planter grain, Azure Feather Family main source of income!
The Zhao Clan three mines, approached the condition of drying up, on the contrary is the Azure Feather Family mine, has excavated to keep, therefore Zhao Clan had the idea of that mine to be very long.
„Depended on us to attain the Dark Moon Family copy clerk!” The Zhao Yang corners of the mouth hoist wipe the self-satisfied smiling face, „entire Blue Carp Town belongs to the Dark Moon Family jurisdiction, the order of Dark Moon Family, do you also dare not to listen inadequately?”
Ye Jun put out a hand to want with the copy clerk, Zhao Yang actually to receive, has sneered a sound track: „You must confirm that the words of copy clerk, looks for Dark Moon Family Housekeeper Chen, on this copy clerk has his own handwriting signature! In any case after Kun Yuan festival, the Ye Clan mine took over control of by us!”