The present study describes captive breeding, reproductive behavior and larval/juvenile
rearing of Apogon quadrifasciatus. Spawning occurred 25 days after stocking in the breeding
tank. Clutch size varied from 2500 to 3100. The males incubated the eggs, the incubation
period was approximately five days at a mean temperature of 29 ◦C. The average total length
of the newly hatched larvae was 2.6 mm with an average mouth gape of 160 m.
Two experiments were conducted to determine the most suitable food items for the
larvae. In the first (planktonic phase, day 1–13) larvae fed with copepod nauplli showed the
highest survival (33%). In the second experiment (settlement phase, 14–26 days, copepod,
Artemia sp. and Cyclop-Eeze), also showed that copepods were the preferred feed by the
post hatching larvae. After 26 days, post hatching larvae were fed a diet that followed
a protocol designed in accordance to the mouth size. Culture was maintained up to six
months, and juveniles attained a maximum total length of 46.3 mm and a weight of about
3500 mg. Captive breeding and rearing of A. quadrifasciatus can help in restoring the wild
populations impacted by local trawling activities as well as to supply this species to the
ornamental fish trade, in a sustainable way.