It looks a bit like you are clinging to your attitude on morality. If you assess someone or something, you should always ask whether you could have a completely different perspective. Always try to see and understand the opposite pole. During this week, the Mars-Neptune connection will help you to empathize with other people and let something be that you had just spoken out against. You will be confronted with taboo topics during this week; in the end, you will determine ithat there can no longer be any taboos in this (all too?) open world. The Aquarius Full Moon on Sunday will emphasize this and provide a surprise.
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Cancer should now calm down a bit while some of the other planets pick up speed. It looks like discussions are coming up. You defend your standpoint against apparently irrational thoughts. You feel resistance from an unexpected corner and may be totally perplexed. The feelings of love go into hiding and are suddenly no longer so important. What is this all about anyway?