In the event that you analyzed the preliminary processes for Pinnacle al (pp. 245 (247) The objective of Part 2 is to identify risk factors and the relationship of risk to examine the evidence in the planning stages. The inspection You have met with the management team, Pinnacle and planning activities. So
you come across the following situation that you believe may be relevant to the audit: one of your employees read and write articles about issues that may affect key customers. You read an article in a file named "EPA regulations promoting solar-powered sled?" After reading this article
, you know, rules management relies on to increase their sales departments, solar electricity may not specifically be at least 10 years, two articles that. titled "Heavy diesel awesome!" the article claimed. Orgasms has proven itself in the diesel engine industry , they lack the knowledge and people need to perform well in a solar-powered industrial engines.
2, you ask management for a tour of the solar power. While touring the warehouse Have you noticed that The engine solar energy is not as advertised on the web site you are asking the warehouse manager when a product was manufactured for the first time , he responds by telling you that "I'm not sure I've been here for years and they are. this When I arrived before "
3 you also noticed the device is manufactured using a new computer was installed solar electro machine stamped with the words "Product of welburn production, Detroit, Mich.,"
4 in between. Discussions with the ultimate controller , you learned that. The climax was an employee of building construction. Furthermore, because the employee did not use the time and cost savings. The controller stated that a carefully coordinated with the company responsible for two.
5 While reading the notes to the financial statements of the prior year. You know the customer first, electric cars, accounting for almost 15% of outstanding accounts receivable and learn you check the customer does not make any money. For several months.
6, during a meeting with the director , you learn that. The Commission has decided to raise a significant amount of debt finance plant construction. 287288manufacturing New electro solar energy company plans to make substantial investments in property, plant modifications will be made.
7 while standing in line at the vending machine. , see the culmination vice president, wearing a golf shirt with the words "Todd machine you are familiar with and observe some of the repairman. Worked in a factory before You tell someone you like his shirt, responded by saying, "Thank you, my wife and I own the company. But we hire someone to manage it, "
8 after an inquiry of the internal audit team , you realize that there is significant turnover in the internal audit department. You are just the turnover in senior positions.
9 while checking the balance of long-term contracts, you specify multiple constraints. Second, the demand for higher current ratio of 2.0 and below 1.0 times.
10 engagement partner from your CPA called to inform you that Brian Su, industry experts and senior managers taxes from Ontario office to the hotel, to the pinnacle of the machine to determine the dispute continues between. Internal Revenue Service and the Pinnacle Club
11 members of the CPA firm of which are in hotels in Detroit, where welburn Division, to call you to see if everything occurs while you are visiting plants solar energy. Texas During your conversation, he asks if you know anything about password recovery is strong from welburn solar power.
. review of the case and the situation in the ii and information affecting the assessment. Monitoring risk tolerance Note that only certain situations in Part 2 involves monitoring the risk acceptable. The classified information according to three factors that affect the risk of check acceptance. The confidence of external users on
statementslikelihood. Financial Financial difficultiesmanagement complete
assessment b determine acceptable risk is high, medium or low considering that you specify in need. (If the risk is assessed as low risk acceptance) Adjust your response.
C. Risk identification for monitoring of Pinnacle using data from part 1 and 2 for each of the inherent risks. Specify the account or accounts that may have been affected.
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