The first writer represents a right-wing populist stance, appropriating the left-wing critique of heritage for its own very different ends. By contrast, the second (writing, like the first, to a conservative newspaper) represents the traditional view of heritage centred on the cult of the country house. Both Sudjic and Pavord echo the critique of heritage in their suspicion of faking and pastiche. The latter's proposal for creating new interiors in a simple, contemporary style reveals how this position is based on an essentially modernist belief that any building in a historical style is necessarily inauthentic. Both also show the influence of the SPAB's philosophy in suggesting that the joins between old and new work should be left visible All these commentators were writing shortly after the fire in ignorance of the true extent of the damage. The others offer more informed opinions in the light of the Trust's decision to restore. Cruikshank, writing in the pre-eminent country house journal, basically supports restoration but with qualifications