By the end of this Forum and after practicing some basic computations and skills in using R for statistics analysis, you should at a minimum acquire the following skills:
•Install R on your PC.
•Install a GUI helper like R Studio on your PC.
•Know how to install extra packages from the CRAN archives (
•Import data into R vectors and/or R data.frames.
•Compute summary statistics on a vector or data.frame.
•Plot histograms from R data.
•Plot and compare two or more Boxplots from R data.
•Run simple t-Tests an chi-square tests, and compare the results with Excel spreadsheet calculations.
•Plot scatterplots from R data.
•Run linear regressions on (x,y) data.
•Export plots to PNG or PDF files, so you can insert them into reports.
And as extra challenges you might consider the additional skills: