Advances in plant transformation technology now make
it possible to manipulate photosynthesis by overexpressing
particular genes for alleviating bottleneck steps of photosynthesis.
Thus, understanding the mechanisms of temperature
acclimation of photosynthesis via comparisons of
species differences and/or changes in growth temperature
is of immense importance for identifying a biomolecular
target for enhancing leaf photosynthesis. What would be a
useful biomolecular target for enhancing leaf photosynthesis?
There is no single answer, since the limiting step of
photosynthesis differs depending on plants species, and
also differs depending on growth and measurement temperatures
even in a single plant species (Yamori et al.
2010b). Therefore, the impact on the control of carbon
fixation by manipulation of one enzyme would differ
depending on the plant species and growth conditions.
More attention should be paid to studying differences in the
photosynthetic limiting step depending on species and
growth conditions, as this might provide opportunities for
achieving faster improvements in crop production.