In this study, physico-chemical properties of mushroom (L.
edodes) powders prepared by three size-reduction methods, namely
shear pulverization, mechanical and jet millings were investigated
in a comparative way. Cap powders were preponderant to stipe ones
in a nutritional view. Although they were belonging to so-called
micronizations, jet milling was more effective in size reduction of
the mushroom powders than mechanical milling. The particle size
played a dominated role in the physico-chemical properties of
mushroom powders. In contrast to the powders prepared by shear
pulverization, micronized powders had smaller particle size and
higher fluidity, WSI, SC and protein and polysaccharide solubility.
These improved properties facilitated the application of mushroom
powders in food additive and convenient food products. The good
performance of stipe powders in holding water also allowed them
to be used as functional food additive