However, in our results STR analysis was successful
only for maggots 2.5– 4.5 days (fully third-instar larvae)
immediately preserved. Young and postfeeding individuals,
as well the group of maggots kept alive for 24 hours and 48
hours, failed to produce a STR genotype at any locus as
shown in Table 1. Quantiblot results revealed that the total
human DNA recovered from this latter group of maggots was
very low, falling below the detection limit of 0.06 ng/L
(Linville et al, unpublished data). We believe that the cause of
the sporadic mtDNA success and failed STR attempts is
essentially due to the amount of food stored inside the gut
content, as clearly expressed by the crop size. In C vicina
third-instar larvae, the crop is commonly 7 mm long (one
third of the total maggot length) at the peak feeding, but just
a day later (24 hours), after the crop is emptied into the gut,
it is reduced to 3 mm long.47
However, in our results STR analysis was successfulonly for maggots 2.5– 4.5 days (fully third-instar larvae)immediately preserved. Young and postfeeding individuals,as well the group of maggots kept alive for 24 hours and 48hours, failed to produce a STR genotype at any locus asshown in Table 1. Quantiblot results revealed that the totalhuman DNA recovered from this latter group of maggots wasvery low, falling below the detection limit of 0.06 ng/L(Linville et al, unpublished data). We believe that the cause ofthe sporadic mtDNA success and failed STR attempts isessentially due to the amount of food stored inside the gutcontent, as clearly expressed by the crop size. In C vicinathird-instar larvae, the crop is commonly 7 mm long (onethird of the total maggot length) at the peak feeding, but justa day later (24 hours), after the crop is emptied into the gut,it is reduced to 3 mm long.47
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